Hear from Hampel Software Engineering about DQMH, debug driven development and Inner Source

We’ve released another DQMH podcast episode!
I just wanted to say that I am now getting in to a groove with creating this podcast, and am starting to really enjoy it. Initially it seemed daunting, and I was wondering if I would ever release it, but now the hard bits have been worked out, it’s becoming a simple thing to record, edit and release!
In this latest episode, we chat to the team at Hampel Software Engineering, who reside in Wurzburg. I am joined by Joerg Hampel, Manuel Sebald, and Bence Bartho.
It was a refreshing chat. Upon listening to it a second time whilst doing the edit, I realised that their core focus is a little different to the average software development company. They really thrive on working closely with their customers, immersing themselves into their customer and working as a united team to solve problems and improve their coding strategy. Their vision and purpose are clear.
Hampel Software Engineering also have a few DQMH® templates freely available for download to use as a starting point in your project. They have the Generic Networking Modules for when you need to communicate with a DQMH module that runs on another device. They also have the HSE Windows Application Template – a starting point for their projects. Under the hood, their templates leverage their powerful HSE Logger.
Join me in hearing about how they go about it!
About Wired-in Software
Wired-in Software are located in Melbourne (Australia), and an NI Alliance Partner that specialises in LabVIEW-based automated test and measurement applications, including systems that can do machine vision, monitoring and control, and embedded products. We are focused on helping our customers transition to be Industry 4.0 ready, by building intelligence into our applications. For more information, feel free to contact us for a no-obligation chat, or continue to peruse our website to learn more.